Friday, July 28, 2017

How much power do you give the word "NO" when going after what sets your soul on fire?

It's alright to reach for what you want!

The word "no" is something everyone has heard. It probably was one of the first words you learned as a child when you would reach for something you should not, and your mom or dad would immediately stop you with a loud "no". As a child, you may have attached a very negative meaning with the word "no". Now let's fast forward to adulthood. If "no" still has a negative connotation for you then it is time to change the story. 

When you were a child reaching for something, you probably heard the word "no" if you were reaching for something hot, sharp, or something that you could potentially damage. As an adult, the things we are reaching for are new jobs, promotions at a current job, or maybe even when applying to attend college. Take a moment and think back to being told "no" to one of the things I have listed. How did it make you feel to receive a letter or an email telling you that you were not accepted to a specific college, or that you did not get a job you thought you really wanted when you applied? Many people take these rejections personally and give up trying to reach for what they want, but I want to talk to you about shifting the way we look at things. After all, perspective is reality.

So how much power do you give the word "no"? After graduating from college I would apply for different types of jobs. I would interview and get so excited about the new possibility of getting the job, only to receive the letter telling me "no" we have decided to go with another candidate. I would find myself immediately getting a little down when I received it, but for some reason I kept the letters. When I moved out of my parent's house, like all good children I left things behind. My mother, who is over the top organized (I did not get that gene) called me one day while she was cleaning out my stuff. In a very frustrated voice she says to me "why in the world are you keeping these rejection letters from jobs you have applied for?" I immediately responded with "so I can be reminded of what companies really missed out by not hiring me." My mother immediately began laughing and said "well that sounds good to me, I wish I had your confidence." I am not really sure if it was confidence, or if that was the beginning of me creating a different meaning for the word "no".

My point is this, do not let the word "no" stop you from reaching for your dreams or trying something new. The word "no" is just that; it is a word. If you hear the word "no", look at it as an opportunity to try again, or to get better. Maybe you could even think about it from the perspective of this is not where the universe wants you to be at that moment, and then be OK with that.

Your mind is what gives the word meaning. Just once, allow yourself to branch out and try something new, or go for something out of your comfort zone. If you end up hearing the word "no" then just say to yourself "this is not where the universe wants me right now" and move forward. In life we can't be scared to reach for things. Do not give a two letter word the power to stop you from achieving your dreams. Remember, your perspective creates your reality so reach, dream, and go for it! Having faith and knowing that you will land exactly where the universe wants you is a step in the direction of inner peace.